The Big Picture – synopsis

The Big Picture – an honest examination of God, Science and Purpose

By P D Hemsley BA CEng FIMechE

“this world of ours DESPERATELY NEEDS BOOKS LIKE THIS ONE” … “the best synopsis I’ve seen of this broad spectrum of current scientific thinking” …. If you haven’t bought a copy yet “please do yourself a huge and pleasant favor–read this book”  Amazon review

Many books in the arena of science and faith are hostile and adversarial.  The authors set up straw men of their opponent’s arguments, dismantle them and then preach to their own disciples.  Many adopt an extreme and uncompromising position. The neutral reader is forced either to take sides or dismiss the whole argument as irrelevant and simply get on with his daily life.

The Big Picture presents information and arguments in a balanced and gracious manner that allows the reader to consider the big questions of life without feeling pressured to adopt the author’s opinion.  The  book explains basics of science, philosophy and religion in a straightforward manner.

The Big Picture describes what mankind has learnt from science, and what is still to learn.  This book covers the physical and biological sciences; the history of the universe, behaviour of matter, the origin of life, evolution, and neuroscience. It reviews whether there are questions that are ultimately unanswerable by science.The question of design in the universe is considered from the author’s background as a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

The reasoning of ancient thinkers is examined in the light of scientific discovery, and brought up to date.  The book considers what we might mean by ‘God’, and presents a robust definition that is hard to deny.

Over the centuries, many have claimed to speak for God and thereby gained powerful positions.  In contrast, Jesus claimed to be one with God and was killed as a result. The Big Picture examines the historical evidence for Jesus, the context and content of the Gospel documents, and considers whether Jesus’ claim to speak for God are valid.  The book describes what that might mean to each of us.

The Big Picture concludes by suggesting a response to the evidence put forward within the book.  The response, Minimalist Christianity, focuses on simply following the teaching of Jesus, pursuing goodness and wholeness, and loving others.

Available in ebook or paperback:!/The-Big-Picture-An-Honest-Examination-of-God-Science-and-Purpose-eBook/p/28794920!/~/product/category=4758361&id=28794926!/The-Big-Picture-An-Honest-Examination-of-God-Science-and-Purpose-Paperback/p/28794926

The Big Picture - cover

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